Thursday, March 21, 2013

Tokyo (Asakusa and Akihabara)

First day in Tokyo and this is the view from out hostel. You see all these sci-fi movies with their citiescapes stretching to the horizon, and you pass is off as fantasy but it's not. It's Tokyo in Real life.

最初の東京いる日、 ホステルから見ている東京だ。 サイエンスフィクションの映画の町のビルでいっぱい風景を見るときに幻想だと思うが、本当に東京だ。

Even with James' Binoculars, I simply couldn't find the horizon.  When you start to think that there are 20 more cities this size or bigger in China alone... I know that when I come back to Toronto the houses and the streets are all going to seem big, but the city is going to feel tiny. 

The gents wandering the back streets around Iidabashi Station.


Japan railways: Fine and always on time.
JR: 素的な いつも間に合います

Senso-ji glows red in the setting sun.

A boy prays for good luck, maybe on his entrance exams, amid the noise of the crowd and the setting sun.

The temple doors close at 6, so everyone lines up to pray.

First Glimpse of Akihabara! Awesome!


My Movie Digest from our day.

秋葉原の店だ。Writing everywhere, the Japanese don't seem to like negative space in their stores. I dont know if it's because I can't read most of it, but every Japanese store I've been into assaults my senses with colour and text. Its a strange juxtaposition against the peacefulness of the temples we've been to so far.

The gents checking out a computer shop  or something. 


Tokyo at night: Breathtaking.


It makes me wish I was living in Tokyo so I'd have an endless city to explore.

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